Lokala religioner

Lokala religioner



Alevi Alevi and Alawi are not the same

Alevis – the marginalized

Allt om Pongal

Aluk to Dolo

Amazigh new year

Ancient Bear rituals - shown in Sami and other old polar peoples traditions Sami women like other women looks through a brass or metal ring on the religiously dangerous bear

Ancient Festival of Adonia celebrated Adonis death

Ancient magical amulet

Ancient Mithra Worship on Corsica What's so strange about that? Roman soldiers worshipped Mithra in a big way!

Ancient Taboo on Hares and chickens in old Britain

Angam Day

Ardh Kumbh Mela

Att Maja


Baba Marta

Baba Marta

Baba Marta Grandma comes with spring

Baba Yaga explained Jon Solo

Bear altar of Chauvet cave







Bengali New Year

Beowulf - Nordeuropas största mytsaga som påverkade Tolkien


Berg är heliga platser i både Colombia och Peru

Bibi and Bibijako Djive in Serbia

Black-necked Crane Festival (Bhutan)

Blessed Rainy Day

Blessed rainy Day

Bon om Touk

Bostäder - cirkumpolära området 1000-1900-tal

Bouk ok Pansa

Boun Pi Mai

Briefly on the belief system of Dongria Kondh




Brigid - beloved of Lugh

Brittsommar kanske har med Brigits sista dagar innan den blå häxan vinter tar över?

Buddha Day

Buddhist statues in ancient shrine - maybe the severed goats head is related to an old religion with SOOTHSAYERS
--- Like this

Cambodia Royal Ploughing Day

Canadian Thanksgiving Celebration of crops

Carneval Day not the same this year 2021

Chap Goh Mei

Children of Lir

Chinese Mythology Creation Story Explained in Animation

Chitirmas Kalash peoples New Year Festival

Christmas History Mostly American

Christmas in Iceland

Christmas on the 25th of December - theories (In Sweden we celebrate the 24th)

Chunyipai Losar: A Bhutanese New Year

Chuseok - Korean Harvest festival

Chusok Skördemånens festival i augusti/september (Koreas viktigaste helg)


Chuseok 2017/2018

Circle of Power

Coptic: Importance for several religions and the Coptic origins

Coyote created the humans - sometimes he spies on them and every body else in this world

Cure Salee festival

Cybele - a mother goddess

Day of the Dead

Day of the Dead

Day of the Dead (el Día de los Muertos)

Day of the Dead

December solstice

De fredliga Buid förklarar mytiskt aggressionerna i vår värld

De magiska tingen låg i kistan som låg i kistan som låg i kistan Precis som trollkarlens hjärta som låg i asken som låg i fågelns mage...

Den feta pannkakans farväl till köttet och välkomnande av fasta, festa, sol och vår

Den historiska utvecklingen av Voodoo på Haiti

Den Polynesiska kulturen påverkade Mellanamerika och Madagaskar Undrar om Påskökulturen och Polynesierna i sin tur var påverkade av den gamla Sydkinesiska/Taiwanesiska kulturen? (Fyrkantiga gubbar och människooffer)

Den 25 mars återuppstod alltid Attis (en könsneutral gud)

Den Tongesiska kungaceremonin innehåller överflödssymboler och ett prov - på att tåla en ansenlig mängd Kava

Den Yesidiska minoriteten i Irak ligger risigt till Precis som Mandéer och flera andra



Diverse Shamanisms in the Nepal Himalayas

Djenghis Khans birthday

Domens dag i grottan

Dongria Kondh försvarar gudarna i bergen

Dongria Kondh:s Sacred Mountain is threatened by the big bad corporation

Dongria Kondh sacrifice to their mountain god Niyam Raja



Drakhunden Pan hu är Yao-folkets förfader
- Pan Hus Festival

Dumma människor i Irak förföljer Johannes döparens egen sekt Snart finns det inga Mandéer kvar i Irak

Dyrkan av Europas gamla gudar i stjärnhusen - äntligen börjar vi gräva och fundera - HÄRLIGT!

Dyrkan av Tengri - Mongoliets och den sibiriska kulturens shamanistiska religion (Shamaner talar med andarna, demonerna och de kan guida själen. Det gör inte de bofasta folkens präster, imamer och hindupräster lika lätt)

Early Uighur/Yugur religion to the time of conversion to Islam

Easter is one of the most important religious holidays in Russia

Eingana - the Aboriginal mother goddess
- The birth-giving mother goddess on the Goebekli Tepe Stele is very similar to Eingana Maybe this myth is 60 000 years old?

En dålig shaman som inte klarar jobbet skyller ifrån sig shamanen är en psykopomp (dvs. han ska kunna vandra i andevärlden för att rädda den sjuke och den sjukes själ)

En god NY DAG - 21:a mars Nawruz, No Ruz, Nowrooz - m.fl. namn för nytt år i Asien - firas från Persien till Uzbekistan (solen i vädurens tecken / vårdagjämning)

En mandé i Sverige berättar om Mandéerna Johannes döparens egen sekt

Eostre was she a goddess - or not?

Eostre/Ostara and the hare



Family Day in South Africa

Faxekvinnans gravrum och dess plats i universum

Fear of strong magic?

First Nations Day (Canada)

First Nations Day

1st Nations Day in Canada

Fertility cult Please mother nature - make our land fertile and prosperous again. We beseach you.
- Let there be love, feasting, fertility and joy

Festivals at the grave of the hero or king

Fete du vodoun au Benin/Voudoun Festival in Benin

First Nations Day

First Nations Day

Fortuna bringar lycka och tur... ...men hurdå?

From Samhain the blue faced hag Cailleach Bheur rules. At Imbolc she is defeated by Brigid Celt/Scottish

Från början var Stilla havets TREDJE kön (Fa’afafine / Mahu / Fakaleiti / Whakawahine /‘Akava’ine/ Vaka sa lewa lewa/ Rae rae/ Fiafifine) en person med en viktig socio-religiös roll i varje by - att ena de två andra könen när de inte förstod varandra Idag är de offer för utanförskap, socialt, sexuellt förtryck samt sjukdomen HIV

Full Moon Day of Tabaung

Full moon day of Waso

Funeral Customs Of Caucasian Estonians

Förkristen jul i norden - Halmbock/Julbock
- Jultomten
- Lussekatten


Gai Jatra

Gawai Dayak - in Malaysia (Harvest festival)

Gawai Dayak

Ghode Jatra

Ghyalpo Losar

Gijisi Juldarigi Video

Gijisi Juldarigi Text

God without name

Grandfather Frost: New Years Eve in Moscow
- Ded Moroz
- Morozko

Greed transcends all boundaries

Grundläggande kunskap om Haitisk Voodoo

Gulunmuta in Oroqen means 'to worship the fire god.'

Haile Selassie's birthday



Happy Nowruz
- Naw-Rúz
- Holla Mohalla
- Holi

Happy New Year Here comes the sun, everybody - Finally Spring Equinox

Haitisk religiös konst



Apple Feast Day


Dree Festival

Hasyl Bayramy

Kadooment Day


Tet Trung Thu


Helgonfestivaler Himla bra reportage av Cecilia Uddén


Hok Peng Festival 2023 This year sustainable living is part of the concept

Holika Dahan/Dahana

Hung King Festival

Hungry Ghost Festival / Vu Lan / Yu Lan Jie /Ghost month etc.

Hutash - the autumn festival of the Chumash



Häxornas förbannelse

Högtider i delstaten Manipur (Indien)

Höstdagjämning - då ska björnen gå i ide enligt gammal estnisk/fornnordisk tro

Iceland and religion

I den äldre nordiska mytologin måste det ha funnits en jätte som motsvarade Hercules eller Lugh Långarm Figuren borde ju rimligen ha med en saga och en himmelskonstellation att göra

I döda Martyrers Sällskap blir den sjuke frisk i Afghanistan




In Grandmas Sacred House Dong peoples religious traditions

Initiation ritual of crocodile warriors
- Confirmation in Sälen, Sweden
- Becoming a man in Mongolia
- Bara Mitzvah ritual
- Catholic confirmation in Australia

In kommer killarna med guldhattar och de är gudar (åtminstone säger de det själva)

Inuit Mythology

Innuit Religion

Innuitiska heliga texter - Bland andra! Otroligt bra sajt.

In the mayan calendar it should soon be time for Zek and the celebration of the beegod Hobnil My - how time flies

In the Southern Hemisphere the Fall equinox occurs on March 20 or 21

Jack in the Green and several other European Green mythical figures

Jakarta limit Nyepi (Hindu Day of Silence) ceremonies and suspend mass prayers in places of worship, including Friday prayer at mosques and Sunday service at churches, for the next two weeks - march 2020

John the baptist

Joshi firas i maj i Kalashernas land


Jul (Christmas in Sweden - and other Nordic countries)


Kazak blood rite - namegiving? Or cure for decease? Or Seasonal (Sun Cult/Spring) You can find the same in the Mithras Cult (then it was namegiving) in ancient Rome

Khmer New Year

Koko spirits travel as clouds or ducks - sometimes they bring rain

Kruba Boonchum

Khmer New Year

Koryakernas högsta väsen

Kupala Night

Kupala Night

Kupala Night


Kurdish religions

Ku'urkil the big Raven - the Chukchee creator of the world

Lhabab Duchen

Lammas, Lughnassad

Lammas/Lughnasa (The First Fruit Festival in Celtic Culture)

Lao New Year

Lord of Misrule



Lucia-tradition in Sweden (13th of December)

Luftens dotter Ilmatar, äggen och världens skapelse Finsk mytologi

Lughnasad/Lhammas/First Harvest

Lugh of the long arm

Lugh with the long arm is celebrated at 1 of august (Lammas/Lughnasad) A celebration of the warrior AND a first fruit festival?

Lunar New Year in China


Madhav Narayan Importance of husbands in Nepal

Madin Full Moon Poya


Maha Thingyan

Mahayana new year

Mandeans sees John the Baptist as their prophet


Mardi Gras

Mari - another very old goddess

Mamurius Veterius - the scapegoath smith of March 14th Signifies fight between death and life? New and old year?

Mandéer i Sverige bygger en kyrka - en Mende
- Mandéer, om




Mandeans scripture

Mandean text about John the Baptists sayings

Mandaeism Religion for breakfast


Manichaeism Let's talk religion


Manichaeism (Religion for Breakfast)


Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras 2022







Maslenitsa, blinis and the celebration of the Sun

Maslenitsa - butterweek with blinis - celebrates the coming of the sun (and also fight between winter and spring?)




Matariki 2023

Matua religion

Mau Mau - återigen?

Meandash crosses the river of blood to find both his past and his wifes Ancient Sami myth


Midsommar - sprit, dans kring stången och firandet av Johannes Döparen
- Swedish Midsummer




Midsummer celebrations around the world

Miehts-Hozjin is the Samis green man the lord of the woods - he protects nature and animals

Mithra - soldaternas gud


Moder jord vill ha blod i karnevalen La Diablada

Modern Coya Raymi/Ccoya Rymi Ccoya Raymi is an ancient Incan holiday (Feast of the moon)

Moderna världens civilisation förvirrar själen

Moldova holiday Martisor

Moldova Martisor

Mongolian Herdsmens Livestock Prosperity Festival

Mothering Sunday

Moving into manhood

Novembers fullmåne kallas Ill Poya

Mongoliska tempel etc...

Moongod found

Moon-Woman in Selk'Nam Society

Moshup the Giant

Mount Baekdu legends (Korea - a sacred mountain)

Myth in use both in Indoeuropean AND North-american indian cultures

Mount Lawu

Myths and legends Festival

Navajo 4 Worlds








Nowruz around the world 2021

Rama Navami

Navroz/Nowruz/Noruz The New Year starts 20 Mars 2012

Naw-Rúz Baha'i new year

New Years celebration - origins

Novy God



Norooz / Nowruz / Nawroz New year in Persian (and more) culture tradition







Old-Turkic Deities

Olentzero Basque

Om djursymboler hos Monica B Hur symbolerna funkar i olika religioner - kortfattat och bra

One Day the Artemis Cult lost to Christianity (the christian mob brought the temple at Ephisos down)

Ormdyrkarna på Sri Lanka

Osiris Scale (Libra) weighs equal in autumn equinox (the days equally long)

Our lady of Saidnaya

Pancasila Day Indonesian Ethics

Pashtunwali Pashtunernas samhällsregler är säkert resterna av en urgammal kultur och dess religion. Undrar hur långt den här kulturen sträckte sig?

Pa Then peoples fire jumping ritual Every year, on the 16th day of the first lunar month

Pchum Ben

Pchum Ben

Pchum Ben

Pchum Ben Day


Pesta Ka’amatan in Malaysia (Harvest festival)

Pesta Kaamatan Malaysian Harvestfestival

Philippino Psychopomps


Picture of the protector of the animals (Pashupati) in a Harappa-seal

Pictures from Udhauli Festival

Poisson d'Avril/April Fools Day / 1:a April

Pok-Ta-Pok The Cosmic Ball Game

Polynesiska Hina Kvinnan i månen

Polynesiska Pele Vulkan- o eldkvinnan

Polynesiske ödleguden Mo'o beaktas fortfarande


Primož Trubar

Prince Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl tried to stop human sacrifice according to one myth

Pythagoras & His Weird Religious Cult Let's Talk Religion

På vårdagjämningen i Chichen Itza ser man Den Befjädrade Ormen (Kukulkan) slingra sig ner för pyramiden

Quba Mere Diwane



Rain Shaman For Hire

Rastafari and the Emperors (Haili Selasi) Birthday

Religion among the Roma

Religioner i Nepal

Religion in Iceland

Religion, manipulation and power Very interesting!

Religious beliefs in Congo Kinshasa

Religious beliefs in Congo Brazzaville

Religion and expressive culture - Andamanese people

Religion och vetenskap går ibland hand i hand

Remove Black Piet!

Rio Carnival 2022

Rongo - the creator and peacemaker cultivates the land

Royal Ploughing Day

Royal Ploughing Ceremony

Royal Plowing Ceremony, Cambodia

Russian New Year


Rönn skyddar mot onda andar även i den gamla Samiska religionen

Saba - en gång ett matriarkat? (kanske/kanske inte)

Sacred direction tree gets cut down (by mistake or intentional?)

Sacred Royal Dance of Cambodia

St Patricks day

Sainte Sarah la Kali



Samiska kultplatser

Samisk religion

Samisk religion - en litteraturförteckning

Shab-e Yalda/Shab-e Chelle

Sinhala And Tamil New Year

St Brigids Day

Sankt Martha, draktämjerskan, firas varje år sista söndagen i juni i Tarascon

Sankt/Saint Martens day in Switzerland

Sankt/Saint Martens day in Sweden



Sedna Kortfattat om innuit-gudinnan Sedna på en naturvetarsajt

Selknam (Early South-American) bodypaint is similar to Australian Aborigin ritual body painting seen in early photos

Selk'nam mythology

Senor del Gran Poder


Seollal, Korean New Year

17th of Tammuz
- Inanna and Dumuzi

Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday

Sierskan från Shahr-i Sokhta kom från en intressant och mysko kultur där jämlikhet mellan könen kanske spelade en viss roll (Helmand-dalen i nuvarande Iran)

Sinhala And Tamil New Year

Sinhala And Tamil New Year

Sinhalese and Tamil New Year Sri Lanka

Skrock om ljung

Snart dags att tända de hundratals lamporna till Chunga Choepa

Sodom and Gomorrah in the bibles old testament

Some think that the celtic Cernunnos is the Celtic Green man

Songkran - Thailand New Year



Songkran - Happy New Year Thailand Water Day and New Year in One

Soon the Seven Sisters will be sighted - then it will be time for Matariki

Spirit Possession Rituals in Egypt Let's talk religion

Spring Equinox

Stenålderns sälkult?

Stäppens gudar i Tatarernas forntid

Summer solstice 2020

Summer starts 1 of may with celebration of Beltane (Celtic, Ancient European)

Svenskt HällristningsForskningsArkiv


Swan Maidens in folktales

MIDSUMMER Swedish Midsummer
Swedish Midsummer
Finnish Midsummer
Norvegian Midsummer
Danish Midsummer
Icelandic Midsummer
Summer Solstice (Northern and Southern Hemisphere) explained (by Meterologist)
Summer solstice LIVE from Stonehenge

Swedish Lucia celebration in a Stockholm Church
- How to bake lucifer cat (the Lusse Cat) for Lucia

Taboo/Tapu and the Coronavirus

Tattoos in India Dalit community

Thai Royal Ploughing Day

Tamu Lhosar

Tamu Losar

Tamu Losar/Tamu Lochar


Tet - Vietnamese New Year 2023 - The Year of the Cat

Thanksgiving US


That Luang

The Importance of Tet for EVERYONE in Vietnam
- Tet info Horse Year 2014

The ancient custom of burial in the Tower of Silence must be just as old as the Lhoba custom

The Basajaun - the Basques "lords of the woods"

The burial customs of the Lhoba is probably not unique It must be a rest of a very ancient (stone age?) way of burying the dead

The contest between summer and winter in Welsh myth

The greed of His-Sik

The influence of Epona on Romans

The Maorians celebrated harvest around the end of march In june when they see the Pleiades they will celebrate the new year

The old Bee-keepers autumn-festival in worship of the god Hobnil should have been celebrated about now But the cult of the god and the royal lady is gone

The old Irish Lughnasad fair at Carman

Theories on the origin of the Spanish Bullfighting

The ritual of the tug of war between the Ducks and the Ptarmigans Innuit

The sacred totem of Miao

The Significance of the Bear Ritual Among the Sami and Other Northern Cultures

The subconscious religion of the secular state of Sweden: THE SUMMER SUN The Swedes really do worship the sun whether they admit it or not

The surprising violence of the Cargo Cult

The people who celebrate the feast of the bearded seal

The sacred oxens choice

The road to Xibalba

The sacred secret knowledge of Hula

The Storm God and his Thunder Bird Native american folk lore from the Tejas people

The Story of Sedna

The Teeje-ritual is performed in SPRING They chase away the waterstealing demon in may sometime

The Terrible Plight of the Rohingya It's not anti-Indian feeling - its anti-Bangladeshi feelings...

The Veddah People - the dvellers of the forest

The worship of Apu Ausangate includes worship of Pachamama and the Holy Virgin

Tinkufestivalen säkrar god skörd med blodspillan Anderna

The concept of Good and Evil in Native American religion seems to be poorly understood

The Rituals in the Sumba-peoples Marapu religion reminds somehow of Cathal Höyuk och Gobekli Tepe (From Touristsite with good cultural info)

The song of the Reed (Rumi) Let's talk religion
- The Field of Reeds Egyptian afterlife

The Yearly Rituals of the Ancient Inka People

Thimphu Drubchoe


This is not the real Panchen Lama China why do you persist? Why don't you let it go?



Today is the day (21th june 2009)


Tors hammare och Indras yxa kunde väl användas för att välsigna bröllop?

Tor/Thor and the cosmic snake


Trefaldighetsdag i folktron & Trefaldighetskälla

Tsagaan Sar "Although the steppes are still covered with snow, the scent of spring is already in the air"

Tsagaan Sar (Starts in February)

Tsagaan Sar


2000 year old snake altar

Udhauli Parva

United States Natioal Day of Prayer

Upper Tibet and its Gods

Uråldrig helig bollsport

Valborg/Walpurgis Night in Sweden

Valborg, Walpurgis nacht - night of the witches (Ancient European)

Valentines Day and Lupercalia

Valpurgis Night


Venice Carnevale

Venice Carnival 2022

Vietnamese New Year

Vietnamese New Year T?t

Vincy Mas

Visakha Bucha Day

Visakha Puja Day celebrated in Thailand

Void is not emptiness. In openness awareness



Vårt gemensama afrikanska religiösa ursprung Rester av ritualer i Botswana - fantastiskt fynd

Walpurgis Eve
- Walpurgis Night
- Walpurgis Night - Scandinavias most important day time to scare away the witches with fire
- Walpurgisnacht - Saint Walpurga

Walpurgis night/Valborg

Walpurgis Night

What is Mandeaism Let's talk religion

Windigo - the antisocial mythology creature of the First Nation People

Witch Hunt

Witch Hunt
- Witch Hunters arrested Good! Kepari Lanieta was only 20 years old.

Witch Hunt in PNG

Worshiping the mother goddess

Yao Peoples Danu Festival

Yi People New Year Festival

Yazidi belief

Yazidi New Year

Yasidis Let's Talk Religion

Yazidis (Britannica)

Yazidi New Year

Yasidi New Year

Yazidis syncretic religion


Yezidi/Yazidi Religious Traditions



Yule Faeroe tradition



Yupiakisk världssyn

Älgikonerna vid Nämforsen

Ännu mer om samernas religion


[Tillbaka till Mysjkin]