
Abduction of pastor Raymond Koh


Absolution via Twitter

Acts of Paul & Thecla Not in the New Testament

Advent betyder ankomst

Advent Christian (Catholics)

Advent (He is coming)


Advent Christian (Swedish Protestant Church)

After 2000 years a permanent Easter Day Date

After James Tabor

Age of the book of Leviticus
- Leviticus - a summary



All apologies

Allhelgonahelgen Sverige, Kristna protestanter (svenska kyrkan)

Alla Helgon dag & Alla Själars dag (2 olika dagar)

Alla helgons dag Sverige, Kristna katoliker

All hallows eve

All Hallows Eve Christian

Alla helgon/alla själar firar Katolikerna i början av november

Alla Helgons Dag

Alla helgons dag

Alla helgons dag


"All leaders ordained by God"

All Saints Day

All Saints Day

All Saints Day

All Saints Day

All Souls Day

All Souls Day

All souls day

All Souls Day

All-Souls Day

All Souls Day

All you need is love? Anglikanska kyrkan genomgår ett paradigmskifte

Appointment of bishops dialogue

American Lutherans: Keep your eyes on the ball! A man has been murdered in the most ungodly way. Your petty prestige games really doesn't belong. Neither does your presidents obvious lies about jobs being created by the Saudis.

America’s Changing Religious Landscape

American Lutherans: Keep your eyes on the ball! A man has been murdered in the most ungodly way. Your petty prestige games really doesn't belong. Neither does your presidents obvious lies about jobs being created by the Saudis.

An early christian schism started with difference of opinions of the nature of Christ (the lord and saviour)

Amos och den sociala rättvisan

A new way of thinking about nonviolent resistance Mitri Raheb reasoning is part of a tradition mostly represented by latinamerican radical priest (=NOT the current pope)

Antje Jackelén

Apocalypse Now The Religion in the Politician and the Politician in the Religion

Apostle Thomas

Appointment of bishops dialogue

Arameic in Maaloula

Are you getting the message!? Fry



Armenisk-Ortodox kyrka renoverad av turkarna En mycket vacker gest - kanske början till en kommunikation?

Arrest of a cardinal

Ascension Day

Ascension Day

Ascension of Jesus

Ascension of Jesus

Ascension of Jesus Christ

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday





Assumption of Mary

Assumption of Mary

Assumption of Mary

Autocephaly to the Church of Ukraine

Babels torn - en förklarande myt

Babelstornet ur kristet förklaringsperspektiv

Bad Christians There is really no excuse for this

Bad omen

Bad priest

Bar Abba - the son of the father

Bar Kochba

Bart Ehrman analyzes The Book of Revelation and the Armageddon-expectations of it's readers

Battle of Avaryr

Beth Moore

Betlehem Christmas Tree

Basilica Santo Niño

Battle between protestant churches and state in the Philippines

Battle of priests

Belief and practice Bart Ehrman

Between Jesus and Paul

Between 2 900 and 3 200 paedophile priests or other members of the church, since 1950

Beware of false prophets

Beware of false prophets

Beware of false prophets!
- Beware of false prophets!
- Matthew 7:15


Bible story of Joseph

Blessing of the animals

Blessing of the Animals

Blessing of the animals Christian, catholic

Blessing of the animals Christian, protestant

Bogomils of Bosnia

Blessing of the animals on S:t Francis Day


Book of revelation is about the end time for the early christians - not our time!

Brid/St. Brigid/S:t Brigida

Brief history of the Carmelites

Brigids Day

Buss- und Bettag / Repentence Day

Caiphas Jesus nails and other hoaxes...





Candlemass Day

Cardinal Joseph Zen makes a fool of himself

Cardinal Wilton Gregory

Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo




Catholic Activity: Pre-Lent and Carnival

Catholic bishop in Australia - sex crimes

Catholic Church in the Holy land

Celebrating the feast of sts. Peter and Paul

Celebration of the Battle of the Milvian Bridge

CENCO in the Grip of the Greatest Modern Humanitarian Crisis

Crisis Summit


Christian anti-vaxxer - didn't think through the consequenses, don't know the science...

Christian Charismatic movement

Christian Church history

Christian Crusade meeting in Liberia - exposed to Robbers and then a Stampede

Christian Ecclestical year begins (2019 the date is the 1st of September)

Christian history Dr. Baker

Christian holidays 2023 Calenderlabs

Christianity - diverse from the get-go

Christianity History Channel

Christianity Today Magazine

Christian Orthodox EpiphanyIt's the adherence to different calendars that makes the dating of this celebration so confusing regarding to the different christian sects

Christians discuss the constant question (and answer): Forgiveness

Christian movements that destroy womens chances to control their own bodies and their own futures

Christian Orthodox Good Friday

Christian Orthodox Easter in Russia 2013

Christian Orthodox Easter on May 2, 2021

Christian Orthodox - Ecclesiastical New Year

Christians not understanding homosexuality

Christians of the Nile

Christians trying to explain Abrahams intention of sacrificing his son

Christians under attack


The Coptic Christmas will come the 7th of January
Orthodox Christmas is also the 7th of January
In America Orthodox Christianity seems to celebrate Christmas on other days than in Europe/Asia/Africa
The Protestantic (but mostly secular) Sweden celebrates Christmas Eve the 24th of december as the important Christmas day
In Catholic celebration of Christmas 25th of december (Christmas Day) is the important day
Mithras, the Winter solstice and Jesus Birth
The Winter Solstice occurs the 22th of december in 2011
Mithras, the Winter solstice and Jesus Birth


Christmas/Christmas Day

Christmas History Mostly American

Christmas in Ethiopia

Christmas on the 25th of December - theories (In Sweden we celebrate the 24th)

Christmas time in Pakistan

Christ the King

Churches call for peace in Burundi

Clean Monday (with kites)

Clean monday

Clean Monday

Codex Sinaiticus

Colors of Easter

Concept of Evil is pretty much the same in the three Judeo/Christian/Muslim beliefs Acceptance of destiny not always the same

Confused evangelicals mistake democracy for demons

Constantine the Great

Conversion of Saint Paul (On the road to Damascus)

Coordinated effort to help Peru

Coptic Christmas

Coptic Christmas

Coptic Christmas in Egypt the 7th of january 2017

Coptic church-history

Coptic Christmas

Coptic Good Friday in Egypt 2017

Coptic New Year (Eid El Nayrouz)

Corpus Christi - the body of Christ

Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi in Haiti

Corpus Christi Theology Maybe Christ wanted people to stop sacrificing animals? And that's all there is to it?

Corpus Christi - The Sacred Body of Christ

Corruption, Priests and the Catolic Church

Could Jesus been an Essene and could he had doubts about the sacrificing of lambs at Pesach?

Crisis Summit

Christmas History Mostly American

Conversion of Saint Paul (On the road to Damascus)


Day of Forgiveness - Cheesefare Sunday

Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe

Dearest beloved Pope!

Dear Holy Papa, please say that the Catholic Church is NOT behind this!

Dear Oligarchs - treat your subjects with respect! 'Government Threats' Not the Answer, says the Priest

Matteus 8:28 De besatta och svinhjorden
- Pigs in Ancient Egypt

Dechristianisation of France during the French revolution

De 45 biskoparnas bön

De koptiska kristna är illa ute i Egypten Oftast är det fattigdom och ekonomiska missförhållanden som leder till våldsdåd som dessa

De kristna firar påsk till minne av frälsarens UPPSTÅNDELSE (8/4 år 2007) (Protestantiska kristna betonar långfredagen (6/4 år 2007) då FRÄLSAREN tog ALLAS VÅR SKULD- t.o.m. skulden hos de som ännu inte fötts. Skuld är jätteviktigt för protestanter.)

De kristna följeslagarna Svenska kyrkans mission

De kristna gillar inte heller rasism

Den Heliga Familjens Fest (Katoliker firar denna, tror inte protestanter gör)

Den heliga stolens You Tube-channel

Den kristet ortodoxa påsken i bilder Närmare usprunget kanske (fast med mera ägg - som knappast har med urkyrkan att göra)?

Den kristna kyrkan börjar kyrkoåret med den 1:a advent! Detta är alltså den första dagen i det kristna kyrkoåret!

Dennis Mukwege, Bo Forsberg och Niklas Lindgren säger sitt

Den svenska drottningen Kristina konverterade också till Katolicismen under en tid av krig om råvaruresurser och territorier

Den 23 november firar Georgierna Giorgoba (St Görans dag) - vi övriga firar honom den 23 april Helgonet Sankt Göran är både en krigar- och hjältefigur samt hjälpare av åkerns fruktbarhet

Det kanske har att göra med eskatologin från stäppen - persernas föreställningsvärld och Johannes döparens sekt - en helt annan religiös kultur än den judiska

Det osyrade brödets högtid

Deutscher Evangelischer Kirchentag
- Kirchentag - 25th of May 2017 - Barack and Angela

De utvalda Barn uppfostrade av Livets Ord - som Ebba Busch och andra

Diatessaron (Early Cristian writings)


Do any Roman Cults still exist? In the video they missed Christianity (started as a cult and spread all around the world'

Does the Pope know about this very unsuitable behaviour by the S:t Marys Cathedral of San Francisco?

Domarboken, 16:e kap. (Bibeln) Simson och Gazas stadsportar

Domens dag i grottan


Domsöndagens text - liturgisk färg både grön och lila Kungens återkomst och syndarnas dom

DOMSSÖNDAGEN enligt kristna kyrkan i Sverige


Dormition of the Theotokos Christian Orthodox



Early Christianity Khan Academy

Early Christian Worship

Early Gospel of Mark found

Early christian martyrs One day maybe someone we love will be amongst them

Early christian writings: Marcion

Early Pentacostal Evangelism in Liberia

Earth hour in S:t Peters Church






Easter for peace

Easter is one of the most important religious holidays in Russia

Easter Monday Christian Orthodox

Eastern Christianity

Ebionites & Jewish Christians

Ebionites (The poor and the meek shall inherit the earth)


Ecclesiastical New Year - Orthodox Christianity

Ecclesiastical New Year

Edith Steins humor and compassion

Edict of Nantes

Effekten av religiösa friskolor

Elevation of the cross (Orthodox Christianity)

Elevation of the Holy Cross / Exaltation of the Cross

Eloi, Eloi, lema sabaktani? Ett förtvivlat rop från biskop Munib Younan i Jerusalem

En klassisk kristen synvinkel på orsak och verkan (länge sedan den var vanlig i Sverige - på väg tillbaks?)

En kristen uppslagsbok (En aning anglocentrisk, men bra)


Enkutatash - Ethiopian New Year

En lutheransk fusion

"En tid därefter satte Gud Abraham på prov..." 1 Mosebok 22

En tro på väg bort

En utsträckt hand






Epiphany/Three Kings Day 12 days after christmas

Epistle of Barnabas

Escape to Pella


Essenes and the Dead Sea scrolls

Essenes! In later years there been a lot of nonsense about the Essenes One wonder what Charlatans is behind this - is this a development of Christianity into something different?

Essenes in Qumran Thought this already was an established fact. Why the hullabaloo?

Ethiopian church is sophisticated - interested in evolving the religion like with the idea of forgivness of one self when in guilt

Ethiopian Churches

Ett bittert angrepp från en arg kristen Sekularisering är en vanlig nordeuropeisk företeelse

Ett gangsterhelgon San Malverde

Eucharist - Christian ritual

Evangelicals in Brazil

Evangelism on the rise

Excavations opposite Holy Sepulchre

Failed Apocalyptic Prophet

Falska Dödahavsrullar i omlopp

Family Day in South Africa


Father Joe

Father Paolo

Fat Tuesday

Fat Tuesday

Fear of the plague made people do horrendous things Humans Belief System is sometimes only ruled by fear


Feast of Christs Ascension (to heaven) Greek Orthodox tradition

Feast of Francis of Assissi

Feast of Holy Pentecost

Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary of Chiquinquirá in Venezuela

Feast of St Ambrose

Feast of St. Ambrose

Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi

Feast of Saint James

Feast of S:t Michael

Feast of Saint Anthony, When is

Feasts of St John the baptist

Feast of Saint Pauls shipwreck

Feast of the Holy Family

Feast of the Immaculate conception

Female Priests

Fertility and the Virgins Belt

Fettisdagen, blå måndag och fläsksöndag





Fiesta de la Candelaria

Fight with the Weapons of Love / Utilisez les armes de l'amour pour combattre / Mit den Waffen der Liebe zu kämpfen

Filiksinos Yusuf Çetin visiting Sweden


Franciscus av Assisi - en fredens och godhetens mystiker "Blessed those who shall in peace endure"

Francis of Assisi

From Conflict to Communion

From Conflict to Communion

From Jesus to Christ PBS

Förberedelser för globala veckan börjar redan under tidiga våren

För de kristna inleder advent väntans och hoppets tid

Försoningsprocessen mellan Svenska Kyrkan och Samerna

Första konungaboken 21

Första mötet mellan drottningen av Saba och kung Salomo

Geez new year 2021

Gert Groote och Det Gemensamma Livets Bröder var reformationens föregångare De påverkade många: Erasmus av Rotterdam, Calvin, Luther

Giordano Bruno


Globala veckan Sveriges kristna råd arbetar mot världsfattigdomen (nästan alla kristna trosriktningar)

Gnostic Christians

Gnostic Library: Gospel of Mary Magdalene

Gnostiker (ja - de kanske inte räknas som kristna av alla men de hör hemma här ändå!)

Gnostiska biblioteket

God bearer // Theotokos

God give us rain

Gods and profits (misunderstanding the Christian message)

"God will hold enslavers to account"

Gog från Magog Gog (med litet olika stavning och uttal) nämns i Israeliska, Kristna och Muslimska religiösa texter. Han är associerad med domedag och världsslut i vissa fall.

Good Friday

Good Friday

Gospel according to Mary Magdalene (From Gnostic Library: Gnostic Scriptures and Fragments)

Gospel of Mary Let's Talk Religion

Grand Peace Festival of Augsburg

Great and Holy Pascha

Greek Orthodox Christmas Day

Great (Orthodox) Lent

Greek Orthodox Holy Pascha Hymns Orthodox Christians in East Europe and in Americas celebrate Easter during 10-12th April 2015

Grekisk-ortodoxa kyrkan

Grubblerier om Jungfru Maria Bebådelse

Grekiska ortodoxa kyrkan firar jul litet senare än västkristna

Gustavo Gutiérrez Merino

Gästen (Påven är gäst i den muslimska världen - hoppas alla trivs med varandra så såren läks och vi kan gå vidare någon gång)

Hagee and Im Tirtzu Hate blinds the mind

Haiti Gang fire on pastor leading march People killed

Hallelujah! ;)

Happy Inauguration Day etc.! NOW TIME TO START YOUR WORK, says the Holy Father.

Heliga Trefaldighets Dag

Herod and the beheading of John the Baptist in New Testament

Herod Family and references in New Testament

Historical Jesus Yale courses: Dale Martin

Helgonfestivaler Himla bra reportage av Cecilia Uddén

Hellenism, Plato and Christianity

"He picks up Gideons Bible//open at page one//old Charlie stole the handle and//the train won't stop going//no way to slow down" I. Anderson (Locomotive Breath - the album Aqualung)

Helgon (katolsk lista)

Helgonkalender (kristna helgon) /H4>

Heliga Birgitta (The swedish saint Birgitta - a medieval power player)

Heliga trefaldighets dag

Hidden Consequences of Short Term Mission Trips

Himla bra med kommunikation

History of christmas (video - not so complicated info)

Holy Family

Holy Innocents

Holy Innocents

Holy Trinity

Holy Water in Russian River during Epiphany

Hope for peace and a better socioeconomic tomorrow

Hope for peace and a better socioeconomic tomorrow

Hoppas kontakterna fortsätter så det inte blir bara för en enstaka händelse man tagit kontakt

Horror and Hope in Michoacán

How Did Christianity Take Over the Roman World? (Quick tip: It was the philosophers doing)

How did Rome become Christian?

How Kind and Gallant!

How the Earliest Christians Worshipped

How the Mandeans view John the Baptist

How the Rus Became Christian


Hungary president receives Pope Tawadros II in presidential palace

Hur kan en god gud göra en 13-årig flicka gravid?

Hur syrisk-ortodoxa kyrkan ser sin tro

Hur val av påve går till (på engelska)

"I am the resurrection and the Life" John 11:25

I am the resurrection and the life... The essence of christianity

I am the resurrection and the life John 11:25

I am the resurrection and the life Orthodox Easter

"Inequality is the root of social evil"

Ingegerd av Kiev

International Carismatic Consultation En extrem utveckling av kristendomen hos en del kristna grupper i västvärlden (både protestant, katolsk och frikyrklig)

In the Acts of Paul and Thecla she makes revolt against the traditional patriarchate household That is the point with the story. The ascetic enters paradise easier than the woman who is a baby machine

Isiah 7:14

Isiah chapter 53 from the Jewish religions point of view
Christians have a more simplistic view of Isiah chapter 53

Israel's Ultra-Orthodox Parties Explained

It's a western tradition too but then it refers to Jesus brother...Jacob (?)

It's rumoured that PCEA treat the elderly very bad! Is it true?

It seems australian catholics want those associated with the bad guys gone...

"Jag är uppståndelsen och livet" Johannnes 11:25

Jakob den rättfärdige - Jesus bror

Jakobsbrevet kanske skrivet av Jesus halvbror Jakob/Yakov som sägs ha lett den första kyrkan i Jerusalem. Han kom inte överens med Paulus om huruvida ickejudar skulle följa Toran, omskära sig och äta mat efter Judiska regler. Tror inte han gillade att folk smörade för de rika...

James Tabor - lectures on origin of Christianity

James the Great

James the Just

James the Just Jesus brother

Janani Luwum

Jan Hus and the Bohemian Reformation

Jan Hus Day

Jasna Gora

Jean Calvin

Jehovas Vittnen

Jeshu ben Panthera

Jesuit History

Jesus and Mohammed

Jesus birth Pagels

Jesus Christians

Jesus Dynasty Interview with Tabor

Jesus förvandlas på berget Matteus 17

Jesus House

Jesus in Egypt according to Coptic Tradition

Jesus, John the Baptist and vegetarianism

Jesus - mirakelmannen/miracle worker

Jesus preachings must have been in reaction to the Essenes Jesus didn't believe in a segregatated life where only the unblemished was worthy

Jesus says "love thy neighbour"

Jesus son of Panthera traditions

Jesus - the shapeshifter

Jesus Tomb - opening Why are we so sure this is Jesus Tomb?

Jewish and Christian believers don't always agree on the scriptures

Joel 1:4

Jan Hus

Jan Hus

Jesus birth Pagels

Jesus the Magician

Johannes döparens dag

John Knox

John the Baptists beheading

John the baptist, theories on

John the Baptist (Wiki)

John the Baptist

John Wycliffe

Jourhavande Präst, Betydelsen av

Jubilee of Mercy

Judgement (Meatfare) Sunday Orthodox Christianity



Jungfru Maria Bebådelse

Jungfru Maria Bebådelse

Justice and the bible

Järvsö kyrka

Kaldeisk katolska kyrkan

Kaldeiska kyrkan beskrivet av Irakisk kristen En sak är i alla fall säker - de gamla kristna kyrkorna har INGENTING att göra med modern amerikansk kristendom!

Kamal Salibi and his theory on the bible

Katolska kyrkan och den illegala elfenbenshandeln

Katolska skolflickor är inte att leka med!

Katolsk revolution - Limbo för odöpta barn avskaffas

Kilifi cult indoctrination starved all its members to death

Killing of Dissident Priest

Kima Vita

Kirchentag - 25th of May 2017 - Barack and Angela

Klara av Assisi

Klara Kyrka

Klostret Kristus i öknen

Koptisk historia En amerikansk stiftelse står bakom

Kreuz an der Decke


Krister Stendahl: Why I Love the Bible

Kristet vittne berättar om Ossetiska civila offer

Kristi Flygare

Kristi Himmelsfärd

Kristna fundamentalister (USA) väntar på de yttersta dagarna Väldigt bra och intressant beskrivet

Kristnandet av människor i Gaza 400-talet


Kväkarna i Sverige




Kyndelsmässa - bra och redig förklaring (finsk sajt)


Kyrkan och Samerna... (annat ljud i skällan nu)

Kyrkan och Samerna...

Kyrkans matutdelning

Kyrkovalet 2021

Kyrkoår 2018 (Gällande svenska kyrkan)

Kyrkoårets SISTA söndag är DOMSSÖNDAGEN Domssöndagen är mycket viktig för - inte bara lutheranskt - kristna

Köttsöndagen // Fastlagsöndagen

Lady of Almudena

Lady of Altagracia



Lawrence Andrews idea may have seemed brilliant (as it is all about love) but there was some serious backhlash

Lazarus Saturday Orthodox Christians

Ledorden lyhörd o empatisk låter bra

Lazarus Saturday

Left behind Kristet dataspel (Jesus utplånar sina fiender) med mycket våld

Leipzig Debate

Leningrad Codex




Lent and Ash Wednesday

Lent starts for the Orthodox Christians the 27th 2012

Laetare Sunday - Rejoice oh Jerusalem

Liberala katolska kyrkan

Life of S:t Columba

Lord of Misrule



Lucia-tradition in Sweden (13th of December)

Liturgical Orthodox Christian New Year in September Please observe - it's connected to the Mother of Jesus

Las Posadas Navidenas

Lutheran World Federation

Lutherhjälpen - utrota hungern



Mahal na Poong Nazareno

Major Bible Mistranslation...

Mandaeans revere John the Baptist

Mandeans sees John the Baptist as their prophet

Mandeans talk about their lifestyle and spirituality

Mandéer i Sverige bygger en kyrka - en Mende
- Mandéer, om



Mandean text about John the Baptists sayings


Man needs prediction of the future

Many portraits of Jesus is Essential

Map of Palestine under the Herods

Marcion Milwaukee Atheists

Marcion Religion For Breakfast

Mardi Gras

Maria bebådelse

Maria Elisabetta Hesselblad Saint

Mardis Gras

Marginalized christians being used and abused

Marie Himmelsfärd


Martin Luther

Martin Luther

Martin Luther

Martin Luther King: The False God of Nationalism

Martin Modéus

Martyr and Saint Oscar Romero of El Salvador That this day should come - it's a miracle!

Mary Magdalene

Massacre of the innocents

Matthew 19:23-24

Maundy Thurday (With a UK perspective)

Maybe its a Mary Magdalene tradition?

Medieval hermitage in the Oasis of Fayoum

Medieval pilgrimages

Menlösa barns dag / Värnlösa barns dag

Mennonite History

Menonites and the Religious Freedom

Merry Christmas everybody 2012 Universal love for everyone!

Mercy and forgiveness for the way the Christians have behaved towards each other




Meskel, about




Michael and all the angels






Mike Pence's religious affiliation

Miljonförskingring från kyrkoförsamling

Milvian Bridge Day Christian

Minuit Chétiens/Holy Night

Miracle touch>Miracle touch

Miss Gospel



Missionaries that spread disease and christianity - will be charged with genocide

Mission of James the Just


Monte Cassino

Mormon history in Oregon


Mormonernas etik (BBC)

Moses fick ju kontakt med Gud vid berget Sinai som alltså är en mycket helig plats för flera religioner Ett av världens äldsta kristna kloster, S:t Catherine, ligger här och en beduinmoské


Mothering Day (different cultures - same religion)

Mother Superior Agnès Mariam de la Croix appear not to be on the side of the weak and vulnerable Jesus said: Treat Others as you want to be Treated Yourself

Motionerna 2013:25 Nationell handlingsplan för kyrkans sociala roll SAMT 2013:26 Aktiviteter för fattigdomsbekämpning (PDF) avslogs vid Kyrkomötet 2013 Man har ingen ära av att ignorera de svagaste!

Mount Tabor


Muslim Youth protecs Christians X-mas Service How Kind and Gallant!

Muslims and Christians celebrating together in Nigeria Courage and Compassion

My Wife said Jesus, and it could mean anything as it's cut out of context

- Martin av Tours
- S:t Martins Day
- Gregory of Tours

Nathalie Becquart

National day of repentance in PNG

National Day of Repentance in PNG

Nativity Fast Nov 15--Dec 24

Nativity Fast (Orthodox Christians)

Nativity Fast (Orthodox Christians)

Nativity feast begins Christian Orthodox


Nej till religiösa friskolor



Nestorianska kyrkans historia


New Apostolic Church and their closeminded faithful

New Generation Leader

Newly found christian settlement in Egypt from the fifth century

News from the Vatican

No more freewheeling monasteries

No ritual crucifixions Easter 2020

Not the first time a church building collapses in Nigeria - this time also many dead 2014 there collapsed another one -badly neglected and killing people

Notre Dames de Paris

När Nero slängde de kristna till lejonen Rasism och fascism kanske inte alltid är plattformen för folkmord. Ibland kanke det räcker med behovet att skylla sina misslyckanden på de svagaste i samhället för att en progrom ska dra igång.

När religion inte är bra

Oaxaca och kyrkan - Nya takter? (Den katolska kyrkan i Latinamerika är sig inte riktigt lik)


Old bitter feelings

Olga of Kiev

Om kristna missionärer från Korea

Om Pär Lagerqvists bok Barabbas

Once christianity was a religion that attracted slaves, women and other oppressed in the unequal Roman society

One Day the Artemis Cult lost to Christianity (the christian mob brought the temple at Ephisos down)

On the Conversion of St Paul

On the Friday He (the son of God = Christ) was Cruicified

On the Sunday (or some believe the Monday) He (the son of God = Christ) was Resurrected

On the nature of miracles

On the road to Damascus Saul became S:t Paul

Opening churches to early in Nigeria?

Oppression and the Greek Orthodox Church

Origenes trodde på universialismen

Origins of the Antichrist

Origins of Satan Religion for breakfast

Orthodox Christianitys' calendar not exactly the same as Catholic and Protestant faiths' calendars

Orthodox Christian New Year starts in September

Orthodox christians

Orthodox Christmas

Orthodox Christians celebrate Good Friday another date than Catholics and Protestants

Orthodox Christians Church Year

Orthodox Christians relationship to the mother of Christ

Orthodox Christians sometimes practice Winter fast/Winter lent

Orthodox Christmas Day (It's not only celebrated in Moldova. It's celebrated in most orthodox and coptic christian countries)

Orthodox Christmas Day

Orthodox Christmas 2014

Orthodox Christian Easter

Orthodox Christian New Year starts in September

Orthodox Christmas

Orthodox Christmas Day

Orthodox Pentecost

Ortodox kristendom

Oscar Romeros final confrontation with evil

Our Lady of Altagracia

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our lady of mount Carmel

Our lady of Saidnaya

Our Lady of Sorrows


Pange Lingua




Passion of Jesus

Patriarken av Jerusalems julhälsning år 2007Respect - the operative word

Pat Robertson, religion and the right wing (Zappa)

Pat Robertson passed away

Paulus Travels






People of Praise Carismatic Christianity

Peter Abelard trodde att logik ledde till gud - och han var himla osams med S:t Bernhard - som trodde att gud ledde till logik





Pingstkyrkan, tungomålstalande och grupptryck

Pingst och den helige ande Svenska Kyrkan

Pioneer Day (Mormons)

Places where Los Finados dominate over Halloween

Please Mother of God, we Beseech Thee, make Peace in Syria!

Politik och arkeologi i Jerusalem

Politik och religion i Italien

Pope and Patriarch meeting

Pope and the Grand Imam in UAE Peace and freedom of belief is the message

Pope Francis

Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill

Pope in Colombia helping reconciliation

Pope in Marseille Don't turn your back on your fellow man! Rescue asylum-seekers!

Pope leaves Mongolia

Pope puts his foot down No mismanagement!

Pope Tawadros II meets Saudi Crown Prince bin Salman at St. Mark's in Cairo

Pope visits the grave of Blessed Victoire Rasoamanarivo of Madagascar

Posadas Navideñas

Posadas Navidenas

Power of the missionaries in Dhading district

Praying for the pan-orthodox counsil

Primož Trubar

Prophet Bushiri and his miracles and his economic success

Prophets on the rise again (US Protestants) Pakman depicts

Prosperity gospel


Protestantism på Haiti

Protestant Reformation




Påskfastan och Fastlagen

Påskkretsen - den nordiska lutheranska kyrkans ritualer

Påskuppropet Amnesti åt alla!


Påven och folket - inte alltid på samma våglängd tydligen

Påvens Besök

Q-source (this is about Christian gospels - nothing to do with US right-wingers nonsense about Q)


Queen of Sheba

Quba Mere Diwane (Yazidis in Armenia)


Rastafari and the Emperors (Haili Selasi) Birthday


Rebel Jesus

Reformation Day

Reformation Day

Religion and crime Is it always lack of morales? Maybe there are socioeconomic factors too?

Religion, Vetenskap, Kropp och Skuldbeläggning

Repentance Day


Retaliation is not what Christianity is about!

Rimini Meeting

Rivalerna vid Jesu Grav

Sabotage mot kyrka

Sacred heart

Sacred heart of Jesus

Saint Agatha

S:t Ambrose

Saint Alexander Shmorel

St. Andrew

St Andrew

S:t Andrew and the Scottish flag

St Andrew's Day 2019

St Andrew's Day

San Anthony the Great

San Anthony of Padua (the Lost and Found Saint)

S:t Anthony of Padua

S:t Anthony's Day in Spain

St. Basil the Great

S:t Benedict

Saint Benedict of Nursia

Saint Blaise

S:t Brendans fantasy Paradise island

S:t Brigid

Saint Brigid

St Brigids Day

S:t Catherines on Mount Sinai

S:t Clement of Ochrid

Saint Columba - Story of a Scottish Saint

St Columba

St Columbanus

St. Constantine the Great (Think he wanted to be revered as the 13th apostle ?)

Saints Cyril and Methodius

S:t David

S:t David of Wales

Santo Domingo/S:t Dominic The dog of God

Saint Filip & James the Lesser

Saint Francis of Assisi

S:t Francis Day Blessing of Animals

S:t Francis Day

S:t Francis of Assissi the echo saint

St Francis of Assissi

St George's Day in the country of Georgia is celebrated November the 23rd

St George's Day

S:t Georges Day (in western christianity)

S:t Georges Day (in eastern christianity and Egypt)

S:t Georges Day is celebrated early in the year in the Ethiopian church

S:t George's Day in Georgia Other countries celebrate S:t George in spring/April

S:t George

S:t Georges Day

S:t Georges Day

S:t George's Day England

S:t George According to the Greek Orthodox church in America

S:t George According to the Vatican

S:t George's Day in Orthodox Christianity and superstition

Sankt Georgsdagen

S:t Göran/S:t Georg

S:t Göran o draken

St Helena

S:t Helena

St. Helena

S:t Helena and Jesus cross

S:t James the Great

Saint James the Great

Saint James the Greater

Saint Januarius

St Johns order and the spread of agriculture

Saint John the Baptist

St Joseph

St Josephs Day

Saint John's Eve

S:t Knuts Day

S:t Leo the Great

Saint Maginus

Saint Marinus

St Mark -founder of Coptic church

S:t Maron

Saint Marone

St. Martin of Tours

Sint Maarten's Day in Sint Maarten

S:t Mattheus Passionen

S:t Matthias

S:t Nicholas Day

St. Nicholas Day

Saint Nicholas

St. Nicholas

St Nicholas Day

St Nicholas Day is celebrated the 19th of December in Ukraine

St Nicholas grave

Saint Patrick

S:t Patricks Day

St Patricks day

S:t Patricks Day

Saint Paul and Saint Peter

S:t Pauls first letter to the Thessalonians S:t Paul created much of the christian dogma

Saint Peter

S:s Peter and Paul

Sainte Sarah la Kali

S:t Sava

Sankt Martha, draktämjerskan, firas varje år sista söndagen i juni i Tarascon

Sankt/Saint Martens day in Switzerland

Sankt/Saint Martens day in Sweden

Saint Nicholas

St Nicholas

S:t Nicholaus

St Patrick

S:t Patrick and the snakes

S:t Patrick

S:t Patrick

Saint Roman Feast Day in Monaco

Santa Rosa

St Savas Day

S:t Stephens Day

Saint Tatyana Day

Saint Tecla/Saint Thecla (You didn't have to marry to belong to the kingdom of God)

Saint Therese Kapangala? Please Il Papa!

Saint Thekla

Saint Therese Of Lisieux

S:t Thomas the Apostle

Saint Toribio

S:t Ursula The Saint that never was

S:t Valentine’s Day

S:t Valentine

Saint Valentine

Sankt Valentin - kyrkan - kärleken

S:t Valentines day

Sanningen och inget annat än... Intressant konflikt

S:t Stephens Day

S:t Thomas Christians in India

S:t Thomas in India

Saint Ursula

Saint Ursula & the Huns Did she really exist at all?

S:t Valentine and his Day

S:t Valentine

Saint Valentin

St Valentine

S:t Vartans Feast

Saint Walpurga

Salomes grave?

Samson myth As told by Dael Kingsmill

Santiago de Compostela

Saut d’Eau

Sea of Galilee

Second temple Judaism and the corrupt priests of the temple

Selfies with Angels

Senor del Gran Poder

Serious Pope!

Se vi gå upp till Jerusalem i strålande fastetider

Shame and Sorrow

Shinchonji, Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony Definitely a cult

Shipwreck of civilization

Shrove Tuesday

6 facts about S:t Valentine

666=Nero Religion for breakfast

Slöjan i en kristet kontext

Socialdemokrater som också är kristna

Sodom and Gomorrah in the bibles old testament


Soon there will be a new pope in Egypt

Southern Baptist officials sexually abused hundreds

South Sudanese church takes a stand for dialogue

Speech of the Holy Father - Friday, 28 April 2017

Spiritual Baptist Liberation Day

Spirit Movement Pentecostal churches in Nigeria

Split between James the Just and Paul

Split of the Orthodox church

Sprinkling water on the homeless gives an impression of a very unchristian attitude Crack pipes or no crack pipes!

Staffan Stalledräng, Lucia traditioner

Stilla Veckan

Sunday of Forgiveness

Sunday of Orthodoxy

Sverige måste bidra till att skydda Libyens befolkning



Swedish Christmas/Christmas Eve

Synodal Path

Syrianska kyrkan i Södertälje

Syrisk-Ortodoxa kyrkans historia

Så skall Guds frid, som övergår allt förstånd, bevara edra hjärtan och edra tankar, i Kristus Jesus

Tahsas Ethiopian Christians celebration

Tawandros II don't want to meet Mike Pence after what Trump did

Soft glove covers a hand of steel

Stadsmissionen håller extra öppet i kylan för att hjälpa människor i utsatt läge




Thanksgiving Day

That other version when Abraham really sacrifices his son...

THAT Would probably Jesus Do Too

The Armenian Church

Arrest of a cardinal

The arrival of christianity in Africa

The Ascencion of Jesus - meaning of, place in scriptures Christianity

The Ascension of Jesus

The Asian Connection/La Conexión Asiática

The assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Baptism Agreement

The Babylonian Captivity

Book of Esther

The Catholic Church index of Forbidden books

The Church Meeting of Nicea

The Colors of Easter

The coptic christians celebrate christmas 7th january

The council of Ephesos 431

The death and resurrection of the Holy Virgin as the Greek Orthodox churches see it

The death of James the Just

The Divinity and Measles

The effect of Greek Fiction Novels on the Jesus Miracle Myths

The Eucumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople

The Falling Asleep of the Virgin Mary

The Family (misunderstanding the Christian message)

The Feast of the conversion of St Paul

The Gospel of Mark is the earliest written of the Gospels in the New Testament Around the year 50 (so maybe 10-20 years after Jesus died?)

The Gospel of Mary

The Hare Krishna conflict

The History of Santa Claus and Father Christmas

The Holy Eucharist

The Holy See

The Holy Virgin in Turkey

The importance of the great and holy monday in Russia

The Jesus clan

The Jesus-Wife-discussion

The pope don't like what you're doing to the gypsies, France!

23 november - Kristus konungens dag - hoppets dag och domsöndag Saliga de ödmjuka - de ska ärva landet

The Bible and the Inuit Will the Inuit ancient culture survive?

The Church, The State and The Family

The cristians believe that Christ went to heaven a couple of weaks after easter jeudi de l'Ascension\Kristi himmelsfärd/Ascension Day/Analepsis

The etnocentrism of a missionary mind

The Exorcist Faith healer and the Offshore Account

The forerunner John the Baptist
- Mandeans Revere John the Baptist Lets talk Religion
- Mandeans Revere John the Baptist Religion for Breakfast
- The Worlds of Mandaean Priests University of Exeter
- Zoroastrianism Cogito

The Immaculate Conception of Mary (not Jesus)

The Jerusalem Council the Year 51

The Kingdom of Love is Within You Leo Tolstoy

The last message of the Alexandrian Pope Be good - ALWAYS be good

The Long Arm of Religious Intolerance

The Madonna and the Fishermen

The meaning of the Sagrada Familia / Holy Family

The Nativity Season & Nativity Fast Orthodox Christians

The 19 century pope Leo XIII:s document on Labor Rights - Rerum Novarum
- Biography of Pope Leo XIII

The Number of the beast is 666 = NERO - no one else He persecuted the Christians in the worst way imaginable so they did not dare mention him by name
- The Fox Noa name (Sometimes when we fear someone/something we don't use the name - we use a Noa name instead because the real name is taboo)

The pastoral challenges of the family in the context of evangelization The PDF (the T-shirt and the Film, one presumes, will come later)

The Pope and the Mob

The Pope is going to deal with the corruption in the Vatican

The Pope prays for the earthquake victims

Pope visits Myanmar

The Popes Visit to the Grand Mosque of Koudoukou in Bangui

The Popes Warning

The pope, the wreath and all the dead migrants

The Power of Good!

The Press Conference 13 october 2014 - Extraordinary Synod on the Family.

The Q Gospel

The question of the two donkeys Bart Ehrman vs the lunatic fringe

There is a movement in the world where women everywhere talk about things that hurt them. Russian Orthodox Church shouldn't interfere.

The 13th guest at the Last Supper

"They are killing us"

Three Kings
- Día de Los Reyes
- Epiphany

The Religious Conflict in Central African Republic (CAR) Is it a religious conflict?

The return of the Patriarchates

The rise of the evangelicals in France Truly interesting!

The three holy Hierarchs (Orthodox christianity)

Three kings, about

Three kings day

Three kings day

Three Kings Day/El Dia de los Reyes

Thruth commission just like Desmund Tutu did? Pope gives Sri Lanka tips
- Desmund Tutu and the forgivenessproject

The Second Temple of Jerusalem was destroyed the year 70

The Shift (American Evangelicals)

The soldiers killed a village priest to what avail one wonders

The suspected priests and the violence that ensued

The Syrian Orthodox Church in the US

The 10 commandments

The Thomas Gospel

The three Holy Hierarchs

The transfiguration of Christ (Greek Orthodox)

The Transfiguration of Christ: A Study of Matthew 17:1-9 in relation to the Believers' Transformation and Senses in the Matthean Transfiguration Narrative Jin Hee Youn, Boston College

The 26th General Assembly of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (I.A.O.). Held in Tbilisi

The 27 victims of the Tanta Cathedral bombing Easter 2017

The Vatican and the Spanish Conquest

The War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness (Essenes)

The Witch of Endor (Both Jewish believers and Christian believers have a hard time with that story)

37 years in prison

This crazy theory about the Christian Religion pops up now and again

This is how Christianity always worked - it's merged with other spiritual beliefs Come to think of it - maybe it's a religious trait (in all religions)?

Thomas and Edessa
- Ancient Edessa floor mosaic unearthed The graves? Are they Christian?

Three Holy Hierarchs

Three kings

Three wise men day

Three Kings Day

Three Kings Day

Time to pray



"Tis the eye of childhood//That fears a painted devil" (William S) Maybe the Polish Church is very Naïve

Top Evangelical Leader: “We’ve Lost Our Credibility to the Outside World...

Totensonntag Sunday of the Dead

Totensonntag (Sunday of the dead)


Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus Christ

Treenigheten Svenska kyrkans förklaring (Kristna protestanter)

Trinity Sunday

Transfiguration of Jesus

Transsubstantiation och Kristi Lekamen

Treenigheten Svenka kyrkan



Trinity Sunday

Try not to be provoked by the sectarians, says Pope Tawadros II Coptic Orthodox Christians in Egypt


Trinity Sunday




Triodion Orthodox Christianity

Trumfkortet i Jerusalem (Jesus son - och guds DNA hade han också, tänka sig)

Twelfth night (Order and Disorder)

Twelfth Night

Twelwe Days of Christmas

Two popes

Unification Church (Moonies)

United States Natioal Day of Prayer

Uppenbarelseboken: Och när Lammet bröt det sjunde inseglet...

Uppståndelsens timme Skälet till varför Påsken är 'glad' som i "Glad Påsk!" (Säkert helt obegripligt för människor med annan tro att de kristna är glada när deras guds son blir uppspikad på ett kors.)

Ursäkten äntligen!

US Church Membership falls under 50%

Using the lords name in vain (Born again christians don't like that)

Vad handlar det om egentligen? Klass? Religion? Etnicitet?

Vad Kristi Himmelsfärd står för

Vardan Mamikonian

Vatican News

Vatican News

Vatican Radio


Vatican Visits Al Azhar

Vatican Youtube

Vela de los Muertos / Candle of the Dead

Veronica Openibo speak - better listen to her!

Virgin birth Ehrman

Virgin of Chiquinquira

Virgin of Suyapa


Vår Fru och Våfflorna




Vår hjälte

Värnlösa/Menlösa barns dag

Värnlösa barns dag/Menlösa barns dag

Walpurgis night/Valborg

War on christmas Dark Matter/Dark Antics is somewhat ironic (and slightly bitter)

Watch Night


"Wealth and Power must Serve Common Good" Pope wants lent-fasters to read St. Ambroses of Milan book on the account in 1 Kings 21

We shall overcome

We will all be replaced one day

“We will not find the Lord unless we truly accept the marginalized!”

What Caused the First Crusade? Centre Place

What Jesus Ascension to Heaven means to believing Christians

What the bedouin found is like a tale out of a book, a metal book...

When I find myself in times of trouble //Mother Mary comes to me //Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and the alien. Leviticus 23:22 Judaism/Christianity

White Supremacist Roots of American Christianity


Whitsun roses and other Pentecost symbols

Why christians celebrate advent

Witch Hunt/Häxjakt

Witch Hunt - Shaman Killers

Witch Hunt already in 2011 in Peru What happened to the investigation, Peru?

Worship and respect the elites...

Yazidis syncretic religion


Österns gamla kyrka

Östersund Kyrka


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